Emergency assaults

WESTERN Health is examining security within the Sunshine Hospital emergency department after a spate of assaults in the past 12 months.
Star can reveal 109 incidents of physical aggression against staff were recorded in the year to May 2011.
The statistics, acquired through the Freedom of Information Act, also revealed 115 requests for police presence in the same period and four ‘code black’ incidents.
Western Health described a code black incident as one where an individual becomes verbally or physically aggressive and produces a weapon which represents a clear and present danger to themselves or others.
Western Health chief executive Kathryn Cook said the organisation took violence and threats against staff extremely seriously.
“Extensive efforts are made to address security issues in our emergency departments,” Ms Cook said.
However Ms Cook tried to allay any community concern by stating there were a number of security staff on-site 24 hours a day, seven days a week based in and around the emergency department.
“Aggression of any kind is not tolerated in the emergency departments of any Western Health hospital.
“We are currently examining security within the Sunshine Hospital emergency department and working with our staff to implement additional safety measures.”
Ms Cook did admit that “from time to time” incidents occured that were frightening for staff.
“These incidents are of great concern to the whole organisation and are addressed immediately with a full review of how the incident occurred and an assessment of what measures need to be put in place.”
Ms Cook said emergency departments in all major hospitals were places where there was often a high degree of emotion and trauma and where waiting times could be extensive as patients were seen according to their level of clinical urgency.

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