Truck debate flares

By Kara Irving
WILLIAMSTOWN MP Wade Noonan has accused Roads Minister Terry Mulder of “deliberately misleading” western suburbs residents with the Truck Action Plan.
Last week Mr Noonan respon-
ded to comments made by Mr
Mulder in Star (23 August) about
the previous Labor government trying to increase truck traffic in residen-
tial areas in Yarraville.
“There is no evidence to suggest that Labor’s first $40 million funding for the Truck Action Plan would increase truck traffic,” Mr Noonan said.
Mr Noonan went on to suggest Mr Mulder should have checked the VicRoads website which states the proposed road network aims to reduce truck volumes on Francis St and Somerville Rd in Yarraville by 50-70 per cent.
“The Baillieu Government has already had more than nine months to review this project, but they continue to sit on their hands,” he said.
Last week Mr Mulder told Star that the State Government was talking to the Federal Government about acquiring more funding for the $380 million project.
On completion, the plan will introduce new ramps connecting the West Gate Freeway and Hyde St at Yarraville, an upgrade of Hyde and Whitehall streets, sections of Francis and Moreland streets and the upgrade and strengthening of Shepherds Bridge in Footscray.
“The Minister’s response is just a smokescreen and masks the fact that the early work on this project should have already commenced,” Mr Noonan said.
Mr Mulder’s office did not respond before deadline.

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