Locals cop delay

WYNDHAM North residents will be waiting a bit longer than expected for their new police station.
Although $6.54 million has been allocated by the State Government in the recent Budget, this represents a delay on the original timetable.
Preliminary funding was initially provided in the 2005-06 budget cycle.
It is estimated that a site for the station will be acquired in the second half of this year.
Several potential sites have been identified and negotiations are progressing with property owners.
Victoria Police and the State Government Property Group hope to be able to announce the proposed site within three months.
Construction of the station is expected to start in mid-2008, with completion in spring, 2009.
The new station is to help meet the needs of the Wyndham growth corridor.
Superintendent Tim Cartwright said the view had always been the police station would take 18 months to build and the Government Purchasing Office still doesn’t have the land.
“We won’t open the station until we’re completely satisfied there are enough police and resources to man it properly,” he said.

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