Education hub

Tim Pallas wants answers about the future of the former Glen Devon site. 95208 Picture: XAVIER SMERDON

ONE of Wyndham’s biggest eyesores could become a community centre according to the State Government.
A spokesperson for the Minister for Education, Martin Dixon, said last week that a proposal for a new Wyndham Community Education Hub at the former Glen Devon Primary School site, which was closed in 2010 and demolished last month, was being considered.
Member for Tarneit and Shadow Treasurer Tim Pallas told Star it was time for the State Government to let its full intentions for the site known.
“This was a functioning school while Labor was in government,” Mr Pallas said.
“The council and the community wants a community centre here and it’s time now for the Minister to now outline how that will happen.
“It shouldn’t just sit vacant and it shouldn’t become a cash grab with the government selling it off to developers.”
Mr Pallas encouraged the Minister to gift at least half of the land to the Wyndham Council.
A spokesperson for the Minister for Education said Mr Pallas had never revealed his intentions for the school when he was in government.
“The Minister and his office, and the local Liberal MP Andrew Elsbury have engaged in productive and constructive conversations with representatives of the Wyndham City Council regarding the future of the site,” the spokesperson said.
“A proposal for a new Wyndham Community Education Hub is being considered. The proposal has great potential to create community links with the Victorian Government’s new $14 million Wyndham Central Secondary College.”

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