PSOs take action

MORE than 1200 people have been arrested by Protective Services Officers at Wyndham’s train stations since they were introduced last year.
The officers, who patrol the stations in pairs from 6pm until the last train every night, were introduced in February last year.
Since then more than 500 people have been arrested for outstanding warrants, 700 have been arrested for drunkenness and 64 were apprehended for breaching their bail conditions.
Victoria Police figures also show that between 22 February and 31 December last year 135 infringement notices were issued by PSOs at Werribee train station.
Most of the notices related to alcohol offenses, with 36 being for possessing an open container of liquor, nine for being drunk in a public place and another two were issued for underage people possessing or consuming liquor.
More than 100 infringement notices had been handed out at Hoppers Crossing train station, according to the figures.
As previously reported by Star, Werribee train station has continuously been rated by commuters as one of the least safe in Melbourne at night.
Sergeant Troy Groves from the Werribee Transit unit told Star the PSOs had made Wyndham a safer place.
“From our point of view it has been fantastic. Our workload has dropped off dramatically during the hours they are on and that gives us a chance to focus on other issues,” Sgt Groves said.
“It’s definitely has an impact on the perception of safety because anytime you hop off a train and see two officers it’s going to make you feel safer.”
Sgt Groves said thefts from motor vehicles had decreased during times that PSOs were working.
“Thefts from car parks and from motor vehicles have dropped off because they actually walk around and monitor the car parks,” he said.
“There has been a bit of a time shift and the thefts are now occurring earlier at times when PSOs are not on and that is something that we now have to address.”

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