Diverse mix to fix issues


WYNDHAM Council will be holding neighbourhood forums, listening posts and community meetings to address issues specific to particular areas.
With Wyndham now recognised as Australia’s fastest growing municipality, the sessions will be aimed at gathering the views of a diverse mix of residents to assist the council to make informed decisions in the best interests of the community.
Councillor John Gibbons said local community engagement plans would be developed to create informed and empowered neighbourhoods across the city.
“As Wyndham continues to grow, it’s important Wyndham City Council continues listening to the changing needs of the community and respond to them,” Cr Gibbons said.
“Wyndham City Council is committed to working with residents to increase participation and encourage people to make meaningful and constructive contributions to their local community and towards council decision-making.
“Engagement plans will be developed for a broad range of population groups to ensure we hear every voice that wants to be heard, and to encourage as many people as possible to be involved in their community.”
For more information, visit www.wyndham.vic.gov.au

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