WYNDHAM City Council will soon start work to control a pesky weed called Tiger Pear, within the area’s parks and reserves.
The council said the weed posed a serious threat to the municipality’s farmers by providing refuge for rabbits and foxes, especially in Little River.
As part of the Tiger Pear Control Project, the council will target the weed in Mouyong Rd Reserve, Malcolm Williams Reserve, You Yangs Rd Reserve and Gleeson Rd Reserve.
Wyndham Councillor Heather Marcus said the weed removal program would include help from the Corio and Little River Landcare Groups, Little River Primary School, the City of Greater Geelong, Melbourne Water and VicRoads.
“Tiger Pear has long, sharp spines that can cause painful injury to animals or humans who accidentally walk into or touch a plant,” Cr Marcus said.
For more information contact Wyndham City on 9742 0777.