State nod for teen model

Keilor East teenager Lauren Goetz has made state finals of the 2013 Girlfriend Rimmel Model Search. 102354 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI


A KEILOR schoolgirl has been selected as a state finalist in the search for Australia’s next supermodel.
While on school holidays, 17-year-old Lauren Goetz participated in the annual Girlfriend Rimmel Model Search at a Melbourne shopping centre.
Out of more than 450 girls present, the young East Keilor resident was selected as one of nine Victorian finalists.
Lauren – who attends Overnewton Anglican Community College in Keilor – said she was approached by an official talent scout at the shopping centre and asked to take part in a fashion parade featuring Doc Martins shoes, which was also being held at the model search.
“I was one of five girls picked out of the line, so I got to go to the front and meet the judges,” Lauren said.
“I definitely wasn’t expecting to get through to the state finals.
“I was really, really excited and surprised.”
Standing at 178cm tall, Lauren said she would like a future career in modelling or performing.
“I have always been into performing arts, singing, drama and dancing,” she said.
“It has helped me feel confident, being in front of people and being on stage.”
Lauren has studied ballet, jazz, contemporary and tap at the Dance Centre in Airport West for many years, and said her dance teacher Jessica had encouraged her along the way.
“What I’ve learnt is to put yourself out there as much as possible,” Lauren said.
“I have tried out for auditions and parts I did not get, but if you keep trying, some will eventually give you a chance.”
Last year, Lauren performed in the Stage Masters production of ’High School Musical’.
She also played the role of Velma Von Tussle in Overnewton’s production of ’Hairspray’ this year.
The national Girlfriend Rimmel Model Search finalists will be announced later this year.
The overall winner will receive a two-year contract with Chic Management.

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