UNE shares farm smarts

THE Japanese Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications and a delegation of high-ranking trade officials have visited the University of New England and its Kirby Smart Farm facility.
Shindo Yoshitaka was welcomed at UNE by vice-chancellor Annabelle Duncan before heading to the smart farm where the delegation enjoyed a lunch of locally sourced prime Wagyu beef and beautiful views of the New England countryside.
UNE Professor David Lamb said the Japanese delegation was keen to see the technology being used at the farm, including precision farming, soil moisture mapping, electronic tracking of livestock, internal telecommunications networks, the use of satellite monitoring systems and the NBN.
Professor Lamb said Mr Shindo’s visit paved the way for more co-operation between Japan and UNE in the future.
“The potential to develop direct collaborative relations between UNE and leading research and agricultural organisations in Japan is very exciting,” he said.
“In particular this collaboration will focus on how information and communications technology can be used to enhance farming practices both here and in Japan.”
The delegations were given a tour of some of the facilities at the working farm and a demonstration of cattle and sheep handling.

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