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WYNDHAM residents are being encouraged to nominate their top four priorities for Wyndham over the next four years.
Wyndham Council wants anyone in the community to provide feedback on their website, or attend one of four council listening posts in Werribee, Point Cook or Wyndham Vale.
Mayor Heather Marcus has urged anybody who lives, works or plays in the municipality to have their say.
“Your ideas, along with those of fellow residents and local businesses, will guide the development of the Wyndham City Council Plan 2013-17, so it truly reflects the community’s needs,” Cr Marcus said.
“Our citizens come from many diverse backgrounds, with different needs and wants. It’s crucial for us to come together as one community with a shared vision and a blueprint for action to achieve our goals.”
For more information on the council’s “listening posts” visit www.wyndham.vic.gov.au

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