Parking blitz

Illegally parked cars at Laverton Railway Station last week. 85331 Picture: ALESHA CAPONEIllegally parked cars at Laverton Railway Station last week. 85331 Picture: ALESHA CAPONE

HOBSONS Bay police have been cracking down on drivers who illegally park their cars at Laverton and Newport Railway Stations.
Inspector Bill Mathers said motorists who parked in non-designated bays were inconveniencing other travellers and putting them in danger.
It is notoriously hard to get a car park at Laverton station on weekdays, with most of the 1500 spaces occupied by 7.30am.
Senior Sergeant Andrew Foot from Laverton Police Station said police had begun issuing notices to owners of illegally parked vehicles at both railway spots.
“We’ve issued a few warnings so far, about 20,” Sen Sgt Foot said.
“We’re not going to tolerate cars blocking bike lanes, footpaths or no-standing zones, people parking others in or parking within disabled bays without the appropriate stickers.
“We’ll be doing it as much as we can and it will be random, so we could be there on some days and not others.
“We’re trying to put a little bit of safety into the car parks if we can and we’re also trying to send a bit of a message to drivers doing the wrong thing.”
Sen Sgt Foot said vehicles parked on the roadside grassy area stretching between Laverton and Aircraft stations sometimes protruded onto the road.
“They’re forcing pedestrians and bikes into traffic,” he said.
Sen Sgt Foot said police understood people needed to park at the station, but commuters needed to remain within designated car spaces.
Earlier this year Hobsons Bay City Council asked the State Government to build a multi-storey car park near the station, but the request has been refused.

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