Volunteering is a family affair

The Sheikh family – including mother Tahira, daughter Mehak and father Asif – all volunteer at the Delahey Community Centre and the Sydenham Community Hub. 102029 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI


A SELFLESS Brimbank family has dedicated countless hours to volunteering at the Delahey Community Centre and Sydenham Community Hub.
The entire Sheikh family – mother Tahira, father Asif, daughter Mehak and son Umar – help out at both centres.
At the Delahey Community Centre, Year 12 student Mehak has started teaching Belly Dancing for Kids, in addition to helping out with children’s cooking classes.
Umar, 11, assists at events such as the recent Sydenham Kite Festival
Mr Sheikh, an accountant, offers tax help and also teaches photography.
Mrs Sheikh teaches cooking classes and is on the Delahey Advisory Committee – in addition to her job at the Hunt Club in Deer Park.
Mrs Sheikh said she began volunteering at the Delahey centre around 18 months ago, and then recruited her husband and children to join in.
“I wasn’t working and so I had a lot of time to do something, so I thought the best way would be to do something to help the community,” she said.
“There are times when we are all here all day. It is very nice.
“We spend most of our free time volunteering.”
Mehak juggles her VCE studies with her helping out at the Delahey and Sydenham hubs.
Mehak said she hoped to become a child psychologist in the future and had gained valuable experience through volunteering.
“I love working with kids and it is what I hope to do as a career,” she said.
Her mother encouraged other Brimbank residents to volunteer at the centres.
“I think they should give it a go because it is very rewarding,” Mrs Sheikh said.
“You do not get paid, but the feeling of knowing you have helped someone is great.”
Belly Dancing for Kids, aged between six and 12, is on Thursdays 4pm the Delahey Community Centre at 80 Copperfield Dve, Delahey. Contact 9249 4900 or see www.delahey.org.au for more information.

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