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Tag: CSG

Call to boost councils

By GARY FRY THE Association of Mining Related Councils (AMRC) has voted unanimously to call on the NSW Government and Opposition to better legislate councils’...

CSG updates on table

By GARY FRY Caption: NSW Land and Water Commissioner, Jock Laurie, with AMRC Chair and Wollondilly Mayor Col Mitchell and Executive Officer Don Tydd of Armidale....

Country Labor lines up

Country Labor candidate for the 25 May Northern Tablelands by-election Herman Beyersdorf is confident that he can win over the 63 percent of the...

Gathering to celebrate healthy communities and oppose CSG mining

Armidale Action on Coal Seam Gas is organising a celebration of community spirit to protest against coal and coal seam gas mining during the...

CSG Forum – What a farce!

Energy for local industries, what rubbish! As if a local methane burning power station would be built to provide cheap power for local industries....

State Government committed to CSG

Renewable energy providers were left off the guest list of an Energy Forum hosted by Regional Development Australia Northern Inland (RDANI) last Friday, with...

What have you got to hide?

As the mother of a six-year-old (amongst other roles), keen to do her “bit” to ensure the sustainability of our region in a future...

CSG concerns voiced

Close to 200 people turned out for a special coal seam gas forum at the Armidale Town Hall to hear from experts who spoke...

What’s wrong with Coal Seam Gas? Everything!

Every gas well is a gross polluter affecting human health. Typical gas well pollutants have shown to include BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and...

NSW Aboriginal Land Council should be congratulated

Your newspaper has reported the reactions to an Exploration Permit by the NSW Aboriginal Land Council for Coal Seam Gas in the New England. I...

Alarm bells over CSG application

Armidale Action on Coal Seam Gas has raised alarm bells after discovering that an application has been submitted for a Petroleum Special Prospecting Application...

O’Farrell’s plan to manage mining

NSW Farmers' strong reaction last week to the O'Farrell Government's plan to manage mining and coal seam gas exploration in this State should not...