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Tag: Julia Gillard

Gratten shines light on politics

ONE of Australia’s most respected political journalists Ms Michelle Grattan AO will present this year’s Annual Earle Page College Politics Lecture at the University...

Windsor welcomes September 14 election

The recent announcement by the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, that Australians will head to the polls on September 14 has been welcomed by the...


Recently, at a Young Liberals function, Alan Jones joked about the death of Julia Gillard’s father. It was appalling but -- check this --...

Talented Tasmanian Turds tour Armidale

Masters of music mayhem Tasmanian musicians the Muddy Turds will flush their way to Armidale during their national tour, performing at The Armidale Club...

Would exaggeration become lies and deceit?

Writing in the Sydney Morning Herald today (24-8), leading Journalist Michelle Grattan says Tony Abbott exaggerates. Tony Windsor is well and truly on record saying...

Kerry O’Brien on the state of journalism

With bums on every seat and a few tucked into the corners of the TAS Hoskins Centre on Friday night,  August 31, the Friends...

“Paws Up” bow-WOWS PM

In an amazing display of working dog high jumping at Parliament House in Canberra last week, the Armidale “Paws Up” team absolutely bow-WOWED the...

Peter Slipper

The ALP's dallying over the alleged improper actions of Peter Slipper (Speaker of the Federal Lower House) and Craig Thomson (Federal MP for Dobell,...

Julia Gillard and her Ned Kelly gang

As if it were not wasteful enough to set up broadband in Australia at a cost of $50 billion, Julia Gillard and her Ned...

Democracy is dead?

Friends, dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to pay our last respects to democracy, well at least according to right-wing commentators such as...

Restrict freedom

Julia Gillard has just succumbed to Greens’ pressure to restrict freedom of the Australian press. This is because the Greens fear the Murdoch press...

An alternative energy nightmare in one act

Canberra, 2011. The nation’s most important cave dwellers, the Greens, are assembled in Parliament House to try Tony Abbott for opposing Green-Labor’s proposed Carbon...