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Taber backed

By JO HARRISON RETIRED Member for New England Tony Windsor has thrown his support behind Independent candidate for New England Rob Taber in the September...

Students part of PM forum

BEING among young Australians quizzing Prime Minister Julia Gillard was a highlight of Excursion Week for eight Year 8 students from The Armidale School...

Windsor welcomes September 14 election

The recent announcement by the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, that Australians will head to the polls on September 14 has been welcomed by the...

Windsor joins social media

The Independent Member for New England, Tony Windsor, is setting foot into the social media worlds of both Facebook and Twitter. People from the New...

Many comment-ators missed the significance of this moment

For many, if not most Australian women, the feminist comments of the Prime Minister were welcome and long overdue. As a voter, it was...

Paws Up team heads for Melbourne to set a world record

Armidale’s Paws Up dog jumping champions will be taking a tilt at setting an official Guinness world record at this week’s Royal Melbourne Show....

Would exaggeration become lies and deceit?

Writing in the Sydney Morning Herald today (24-8), leading Journalist Michelle Grattan says Tony Abbott exaggerates. Tony Windsor is well and truly on record saying...

Kerry O’Brien on the state of journalism

With bums on every seat and a few tucked into the corners of the TAS Hoskins Centre on Friday night,  August 31, the Friends...

Equal rights

Sarah Hanson-Young, Australian Greens Senator for South Australia, gave the 29th annual Earle Page College Politics Lecture at the University of New England last...

Limit media ownership!

What is holding back the Gillard Government from limiting the ownership of one media business to, say, 15 per cent for any individual or...

Abbott dwells in an earlier era

Do we want a society ruled by Tony Abbott, Eric Abetz, Sophie Mirrabella and Bronwyn Bishop, which draws on the intellectual foibles of Paul...

“Paws Up” bow-WOWS PM

In an amazing display of working dog high jumping at Parliament House in Canberra last week, the Armidale “Paws Up” team absolutely bow-WOWED the...