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Tag: Tony Abbott

Gratten shines light on politics

ONE of Australia’s most respected political journalists Ms Michelle Grattan AO will present this year’s Annual Earle Page College Politics Lecture at the University...


Recently, at a Young Liberals function, Alan Jones joked about the death of Julia Gillard’s father. It was appalling but -- check this --...

Health funding

Barry O’Farrell’s recent comments on health funding in NSW are a smokescreen to cover for the $3 billion in savage cuts he has inflicted...

PM and Labor Politicians have gone too far!

Julia Gillard and some of her female ALP politicians must have bitten off their tongues after announcing that Tony Abbott was a misogynist. Gals! Just...

In response

May I comment on a letter from Robert Walker Ph.D (Kings College London) — Armidale. So you obtained your PhD from Kings College, London. Tony Abbott...

Would exaggeration become lies and deceit?

Writing in the Sydney Morning Herald today (24-8), leading Journalist Michelle Grattan says Tony Abbott exaggerates. Tony Windsor is well and truly on record saying...

Here we go again!

Barnaby Joyce on about carbon tax; can we trust anything that Barnaby Joyce says? He just follows his leader, the perennial negative would-be Prime...

Equal rights

Sarah Hanson-Young, Australian Greens Senator for South Australia, gave the 29th annual Earle Page College Politics Lecture at the University of New England last...

Abbott dwells in an earlier era

Do we want a society ruled by Tony Abbott, Eric Abetz, Sophie Mirrabella and Bronwyn Bishop, which draws on the intellectual foibles of Paul...

Carbon Tax

In just under 50 days, your readers and every Australian will be burdened with the world’s biggest carbon tax. The economic storm clouds are...

Waste of ink

Your correspondent Jay Nauss (May 9), doesn’t like Tony Abbott or Chris Pyne. He says they are not part of the one true religion....

‘Get even’ plot

Peter Slipper's slide down the slippery slope is beginning to smell like a sleazy Liberal “get even” plot. It has been suggested that Slipper's gay...