As a rule, being silly at school is normally frowned upon. School is for learning, right?
At Centaur Primary on Friday, June 24 it was the exception – students went mad being nosey and wore silly hair styles to join in assisting the Kids with Sids campaign.
The school’s Red Nose Day fundraising activity never felt better, with a little bit of silliness included. Laughter and smiles were reciprocated as the peers got together dropping their gold coin donation in a bucket and buying the Red Nose day teddy bear or bracelet.
Centaur students raised money (the amount is still being finalised) to go towards saving the lives of babies, while bringing a little fun to a serious cause.
The students also had time for learning throughout the day. The most important lesson being that the enjoyment of reaching out to help others will always bring a smile to a
person’s face.