Little acts of kindness

I have had some beautiful experiences lately and I would like to share my thoughts with you and your readers.
Isn’t it amazing how, when the economy turns and we all experience worry and dismay, the simple acts of kindness and people pulling together is more evident than ever.
I have seen a woman in her late 70s be so very dedicated to helping other woman with cancer “get through”, I have seen a man go out of his way and help a woman struggling with her shopping and assist by carrying the shopping to the car. The biggest standout is seeing neighbors and friends sharing food together and meeting at the shopping centre and telling each other what’s on special this week, and together have a giggle.
When life did not have the worry of where the economy was going or how will we survive, most of us didn’t have “time” for one another.
Now. I see we do, “by little acts of kindness, the Australian spirit of love thy neighbor and friend and pulling together”. I only wish we could stay this way forever.

Linda Rodgers, Kingscliff

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