Council rejects ‘shelter in place’ option for Servies

The importance of a safe means of evacuation from new developments in flood prone areas was reinforced in a resolution of Armidale Dumaresq Council last week.
While Council continues to encourage new industry and development, public safety remains the first priority. Council will continue to assist applications for an Ex-Services Club motel to find the best outcome when considering development and safety.
The Council’s decision followed investigations over recent months by its Floodplain Risk Management Committee on an alternative approach which would allow people to remain within buildings affected by flash flooding events. Such special refuges within buildings are known as ‘shelter in place’.
The Committee, which includes representatives from NSW agencies responsible for floodplain management and emergency services, as well as local engineering, business and community representatives, was convened to review the Council’s flood policy. This followed the decision last November not to allow the development of a new motel on land adjacent to the Ex-Services Club site in Dumaresq Street, Armidale.
“The Committee considered agency advice, a number of recent conference papers on the subject of ‘shelter in place’, policies used in other areas, as well as insurance advice in regard to current NSW Government Floodplain Development policy,” said Committee Chair, Councillor Bruce Whan.
“However, for new development, and especially considering the advice available to the Committee, including legal advice on a ‘shelter in place’ policy and the position of Council’s insurers, the Committee has decided not to support a ‘shelter in place’ policy for urban floodplain management purposes.
“Instead, the continuation of a precautionary approach designed to get people away from high hazard locations was unanimously supported by the Committee.
This conclusion is understandable, given the experience with the Victorian bushfires in 2009, the Queensland floods earlier this year, and with the potential for more severe storm and flood events in future as a result of climate change,” said Councillor Whan.
So far as the Ex-Services Club development is concerned, dialogue is continuing between Council and the Club Executive with the aim of finding an acceptable solution for the proposed motel development. Council is encouraging the Club to look again at achieving a safe evacuation route from the premises, such as an elevated walkway over Dumaresq Street, and also to work with Council’s engineering staff to address the safety of the car park and escape routes from there.

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