Knitters unite

Members of the Armidale community have dusted off their knitting needles to participate in the annual ABC Radio Knit-in for 2011. The campaign, which is in its 9th year, aims to knit squares to make blankets for the charity Wrap With Love for communities worldwide who are suffering from extreme cold.
In 2010, about 27,617 squares and 7039 blankets were created by volunteers across the State. This year organisers are hoping to break that record. Armidale knitters who have been busily knitting at home and coming together at the Armidale Library have so far knitted in total 1314 squares and have made up 28 blankets, with a further 530 squares still to made into blankets.
“Every year Armidale Knitters have united with ABC Radio and the libraries in the area to have a lot of fun and fellowship enjoying knitting and supporting the charity Wrap With Love,” said Armidale resident and knitter Thelma McCarthy.
“We have had two knit-ins at the library with great turnouts averaging about 12 to 15 who come in, as well as knitters at home who drop in their knitted squares to the library. This is the first year that I have participated in the Knit-in and I have thoroughly enjoyed it, I am not a great knitter but I give it my best and enjoy the company,” said Mrs McCarthy.
The closing date for knitted squares was last Friday.
Story: Jo Harrison

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