Design the perfect coop

The SLEX EdFest’11 (Sustainable Living Expo Education Festival) which is integrated into the SLEX 2011 program has been launched with a ‘My Chicken Home’ competition.
“The competition is based around the idea of designing your own chicken house,” said Hadley White, a design specialist and coordinator for the competition.
“Best of all there will be a workshop on the first day of SLEX to build the winning design with the students!”
The ‘My Chicken Home’ competition is open to all 12-14 year olds and schools are particularly being asked to support their students to get involved in this fun, hands-on educational initiative.
In keeping with the sustainability focus of SLEX the designs will be judged on three criteria:
1. How does the chicken house make it easy and fun for the owner to use?
2. How does the chicken house make a happy home for the chickens?
3. Does the chicken house make use of recycled or reused materials?
“In addition to having their winning design built, the prize will be happy cackling chooks for their chicken home, a worm swag and iTunes voucher,” said Hadley.
SLEX EdFest’11 is being coordinated by local sustainability specialists Starfish Enterprises Network in partnership with a range of local educators including the High Country Biodiversity Project (HiCUB), Southern New England Landcare, Frog Dreaming Conference, Thalgarrah Environmental Education Centre and the NSW Office of Environment & Heritage.
EdFest is woven through the three days of SLEX (October 21-23 2011).
Schools are central to plans for Friday October 21. Any schools interested in showcasing their skills in sustainability are invited to run a workshop. Students of all ages will have the opportunity to engage in a variety of interactive workshops throughout the day.
The Saturday October 22 and Sunday October 23 program will include activities for young children as well as older students, youth and young families with a particularly focus on how sustainability can help with living on a budget.
For more details about the ‘My Chicken Home’ competition contact Hadley White on or 0478 052 337.

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