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elected as Mayor and Cr Jim Maher re-elected as Deputy Mayor of Armidale Dumaresq Council at an extraordinary meeting held last week, for the term ending September 2012.
Mayor Cr Peter Ducat thanked the Armidale Dumaresq community for supporting him in his previous and current terms as Councillor.
“I also thank my fellow Councillors for their support, and look forward to working productively with the community and Council in future to make the Armidale Dumaresq local government area a better place to live. I look forward to future challenges.
“Thanks also to my family, friends and fellow community members,” said Cr Ducat.
Deputy Mayor Cr Jim Maher said that Cr Ducat has worked hard for the community as Mayor and is highly respected in the Council and broader community.
“Thanks to Peter and fellow Councillors, as well as the General Manager, Council Directors and staff, for their work for our community. While there has been healthy debate and different views are aired in the chamber, this Council has been more harmonious, with Councillors showing respect for their fellow Councillors.
“Special thanks go to my wife Nina and children as well as my mother, Rainee, who was present in the chamber for the election. I could not do this challenging job without their support,” said Cr Maher.
“Armidale faces many challenges in terms of sustainability – economic, social and environmental – and these are integrally linked. With the same dedication, teamwork and community support, we will be able to meet these challenges and make Armidale Dumaresq an even better community in which to live.”

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