In response

In reply to Andrew Wood, letters November 9.
Andrew Wood has three main criticisms of Tony Windsor’s policy decisions – carbon tax, NBN layout and support of gay marriage.  As Greens candidate, I attended every pre-election forum and heard him speak on his election platform.
Before the federal election, Tony talked about the challenges we face in managing climate change, and the potential devastating effects on farming families and agriculture.   He stated that he believed that climate change is caused by human activity.  He also acknowledged that we must take action as future generations will suffer if we don’t.  He was clear that we must take steps to mitigate the effects of climate change, and to reduce our carbon footprint.  Why are some New England constituents shocked that he carried though on his promise to take action?  Why is he being criticised for keeping his election promise?
Prior to the election, Tony consistently spoke on his support of the broadband network, which he repeatedly stated would benefit regional Australia. This policy statement is in print in the newspapers, he stated this in radio interviews and has never waivered on this issue. He said he would support the NBN layout. Do we now expect him to renege on this commitment?
I do not recall any commitment either way before the election regarding gay marriage. Tony usually canvasses the community and represents the majority, so I assume this is whathe  did.
I wonder how Rob Oakshot and Tony Windsor would be viewed by their electorates if the Murdoch media were not trying to destroy their reputations? Are we all so gullible as to not see through the crap being printed? The Murdochs want a Liberal government, and use their 75 per cent ownership of the media to convince the voting public that this is what they want.
I do not always agree with how Tony Windsor votes in parliament, but respect him as one of the most honest and sincere politicians in Australia.

Pat Schultz,

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