Julia Gillard and her Ned Kelly gang

As if it were not wasteful enough to set up broadband in Australia at a cost of $50 billion, Julia Gillard and her Ned Kelly gang will now spend $620 million on two satellites of its “Long Term Satellite Service” catering for three per cent of the population (“The Australian’, February 9, p.5). In other words, 97 per cent of the Australian population will not benefit from the satellites at all!
Gillard does not seem to mind. She has purposely forgotten the enormous cost and collapse of the Building Education Revolution, the Pink Batts Scheme, her inability to handle problems caused by the illegal boat people and their avaricious Australian lawyers, her failure to prosecute the rioters at the Australia Day commemoration in Canberra and her refusal to recognise that Fair Work Australia is entering its fourth year of “deciding’ about Craig Thomson’s particular use of services obtained with his Health Services Union credit card. Worse, Julia Gillard seems incapable of thinking about the effects and consequences of her public decisions – in this, she displays an intellectual deficit disturbingly similar to that of the vainglorious Kevin Rudd.
Let Oliver Cromwell’s words to the Rump Parliament (January 22,1634) ring in the ears of the fools of Green Labor and the Independents: “It is not fit that you should sit here any longer! … you shall now give place to better men.”

Dr Paul Fidlon,

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