Million Paws Walk attracts huge numbers

Our four legged loyal companions walked the walk with their owners on Sunday for the annual RSPCA Million Paws Walk fundraiser through the Creeklands on a glorious sunny day.
Over 100 dogs and their owners in all shapes and sizes gathered to celebrate man’s best friend and the tremendous bond that is shared with our furry four legged friends.
Each year, over 44,000 animals find shelter with the RSPCA in NSW alone. The national event raises much needed funds, which assist the RSPCA to continue its operations, programs and services, as well as supporting the battle against animal cruelty.
Member for Northern Tablelands Richard Torbay cut the ribbon to start the walk as he has done for many years.
Vice-President and spokes-person for the RSCPA Armidale Branch, Kitty Thomas, said the event helps to raise awareness about the RSPCA and its programs on a local level.
“Here in Armidale we don’t have a shelter, with all the dogs looked after by foster carers,” said Kitty.
“We have a ‘no kill’ policy in Armidale, so we never put a dog down unless it is medically necessary and we re-home so many dogs and cats each year.
“Last year nearly one cat every three days and one dog every four days was re-homed, it was incredible and we cannot do it without the support of the community.
“Without that support we would have dogs in the pound being put down on a daily basis.”

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