Carbon Tax

In just under 50 days, your readers and every Australian will be burdened with the world’s biggest carbon tax.
The economic storm clouds are gathering, and the Budget papers have confirmed the carbon price will increase from a starting price of $23 in July to $29 in three years’ time. New England residents already pay some of the highest electricity prices in the world, and in real terms, they have increased by 40 per cent since 2007.
From July 1 they will skyrocket again. When the carbon tax forces up the cost of living and results in industries cutting back and even shifting overseas, remember that your local Labor Independent Tony Windsor led the charge to introduce the carbon tax. Opposition leader Tony Abbott confirmed in his budget reply speech that, from day one, a Coalition government will work to repeal the carbon tax. This will give Australians hope, reward and opportunity.

Senator John Williams,
The Nationals Duty Senator for New England

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