Rachel Rohrlach gets her new van

Trevor, June, Liam and Rachel Rohrlach (on her new Hiace van’s wheelchair lift), with Sandra and Smokey Dawson, Gary Cracknell (a member of the Bundarra Lions Club) and Danny Poulsen.

The Bundarra, Armidale and Inverell communities’ fundraising efforts for Rachel Rohrlach have achieved increased mobility and improved quality of life for the Bundarra quadriplegic mother of two. With the money raised, a Toyota Hiace van has been purchased for $31,000. It is a 2007 model with just 35,000km on the clock and came fitted with a wheelchair lifter.
Rachel is a loving mother, trapped in a body that cannot move, due to a paralysing stroke 20 years ago. It is not easy for her to eat and she is unable to talk, yet Rachel can communicate by looking up for yes and down for no or gesturing with her eyes to spell out messages. She has two sons, Kieron (20) and Liam (6). On April 16 this year, her loving husband, Chris Rohrlach, died of a massive heart attack while helping neighbours to muster cattle. Chris’s best mate, Danny Poulsen, described Rachel as ‘normal on the inside, she just cannot move’.
On Sunday, June 10, over 300 people of all ages converged on the Bundarra Golf Club from throughout the district for a major fundraising effort in support of Rachel Rohrlach. The nine hole golf Ambrose, raffles, bike ride and the ‘off the trailer’ charity auction raised over $25,000.
Danny said the Rohrlach family has been overwhelmed with the support that made the van purchase possible, especially on the golf day. “Rachel has asked me to convey her heartfelt appreciation to many local people and organisations,” he said. “The whole Bundarra community, plus large representations from Armidale and Inverell, really got behind Rachel.
“The family would like to thank the Shorman family from Sydney, who donated $7000; Ray and Coral Pearce from Inverell for their fundraising efforts; seven Armidale riders, led by Victor Moar and John Hiscox, complete with a support crew, did an 85km charity bike ride from Armidale to Bundarra and presented a cheque of $7448; The Armidale Ex-Services Club for its support of the golf day; Rose and Geoff Higgins at Bundarra’s Commercial Hotel; The Bundarra Public School, which held a trivia night; The Lions Club of Bundarra, which has not only donated but also administered the fundraising; The Bundarra Sports and Recreation Club’s John Hyatt; The Bundarra Golf Club and the local CWA, which were generously supportive, through the golf day; Cliff Wright Motors; and all people and businesses throughout the region who donated money, goods and services for the charity auction.
“We didn’t expect so much money to be raised so quickly – we were hopeful, though. The wheelchair lifter is fantastic,” Danny said. “Rachel is so happy with the new van and touched that so many people would want to help her. Six-year-old Liam thinks the big van is just great.
“It means that Rachael and Liam can go out with just one carer. Before, two people were needed to work a crane system to get her into an old vehicle.
“Rachel would like to thank the Bundarra locals who pitched in with the fencing working bee that assisted in the sale of a Rohrlach property. This property was nearly ready for sale when Chris died suddenly.”
The family is also extremely grateful to New England Solar Power for the Grid Connect Solar System donation to Rachel. This is a gift that will keep giving, reducing Rachel’s power bills. The roof measurements on Rachl’s Bundarra home have been conducted and the paper-work has been submitted to her power company. It is going to be installed in a couple of weeks.
Danny said the community support in Bundarra has also been in memory of Chris and the community spirit he showed, always helping others, as he was when he died. “We all miss Chris but we’re moving forward by helping Rachel and her boys as best we can. They have been through a lot of setbacks but, with the region’s support, their lives have been made a lot easier.”

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