Sexual assault of teenage boy

Police are appealing for information following the sexual assault of a teenage boy last week.
The 16-year-old was approached by a male while he was riding his scooter along Naughten Avenue, Armidale, about 8pm on Tuesday August 28, 2012.
The male, who was riding a pushbike, began talking to the boy before they both rode to a park in nearby Barney Street.
Police have been told the male physically assaulted the boy before he took him into a toilet block and sexual assaulted him.
The boy managed to flee; however, the male followed him and again assaulted him on Douglas Street.
The offender fled on his pushbike and the boy ran home and alerted his parents.
They attended Armidale Police Station a short time later to report the incident.
The boy was taken to Armidale Hospital for treatment.
Detectives from New England Local Area Command are appealing for anyone who witnessed the incident, or any similar or suspicious behaviour in the area, to come forward.
The male has been described as being of Aboriginal / Torres Strait Islander appearance, in his mid to late teens, with facial hair.
He was wearing a grey jumper and pants, black gloves, a baseball cap and was riding a white pushbike.
Anyone with information is urged to contact Armidale Police or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

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