Be prepared for bushfires

Preparing now for the bushfire season will give people a better chance of saving their homes and families if a fire threatens this summer, said NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons.
“It is a timely reminder for people to get ready for the impending bushfire season.
“In the last two months alone, we have already seen more than 1500 bushfires throughout the State, with volunteer firefighters working in very challenging conditions.
“This is particularly concerning considering we are yet to enter the hottest months of summer.”
Commissioner Fitzsimmons said the fires are being fuelled by high levels of growth following the increased rainfall experienced over the last two years.
“This growth presents a significant challenge for landholders and rural fire brigades, particularly in grassland areas, because grass fires can start early and move quickly, often catching people off guard.
“I’m urging residents to know their risk, and undertake the necessary preparations. Seek advice from your local brigade about simple preparation tips to keep your home and property safe.
“Very basic tasks, like keeping the lawns cut and clearing overhanging tree branches and leaf litter may save your home and possessions if a bush-fire does threaten this summer.
“Having a Bush Fire Survival Plan, that you have discussed with your family, and a well-prepared property are essential for anyone living in bush-fire prone areas.
“It is also important for people who work or travel through bushfire prone areas to know what you will do in the event of an emergency,” said Commissioner Fitzsimmons.
More information about Bush Fire Awareness Week and protecting your property from fire is available on the NSW RFS website

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