New recruits hit the beat

New England Local Area Command has welcomed
three new officers to the area, after marching off the parade ground during the latest attestation ceremony held in Goulburn on Friday, December 14, 2012.

The three probationary constables Adam Bush, who will be based in Armidale and Ashleigh Michael and Grant Burns, who will be based in Inverell, joined their new colleagues on Monday after being assigned to New England Local Area Command.

Superintendent Bruce Lyons said the officers will face an extremely challenging but satisfying career and this is just the first stage in their development.

“I am very pleased to welcome these new recruits to New England Local Area Command, and look forward to overseeing their development as they embark on this exciting and rewarding career,” Superintendent Lyons said.

“By passing the course at the NSW Police Force Academy, each officer has demonstrated their dedication and commitment to becoming a police officer and serving the community.

“The officers and their families should be very proud of reaching the first of what I hope to be many milestones during their career within the NSW Police Force.”

Superintendent Lyons also said their arrival is fantastic news for the local communities and a welcome boost to policing resources in the area.

“The three officers started their first day at the command on Monday, December 17, 2012 at Armidale for an induction session. Following this, two of the officers will be stationed at Inverell and the third officer stationed at Armidale.

“These officers are three of a total of 304 new probationary constables attested at the NSW Police Force Academy on Friday,” said Inspector Shoesmith.

“They will now complete 12 months’ on-the-job training with experienced officers and study by distance education with Charles Sturt University before they officially graduate with an Associate Degree in Policing Practice.”

Once they graduate, the officers will then be confirmed in the rank of Constable.

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