Bhutanese Buddhist leader to visit Armidale

The Bhutanese Student Association of Bhutan at the University of New England and the Buddhist Community of Armidale will host a visit from His Eminence the Seventh NamkhaiNyingpo Rinpoche, a prominent Tibetan Buddhist teacher and spiritual leader from Bhutan from February 20-22, 2013.

The Rinpoche is a highly revered Buddhist teacher, with many students in Bhutan, India, Nepal, Tibet, Taiwan and several western countries. His Eminence has his own network of monasteries and religious colleges where he fosters intensive study of Buddhist philosophy and teaching from the four main schools of Tibetan Buddhism.

He provides care and training for over 700 monks in monasteries, colleges and meditation centres. His Eminence has been very active in conducting numerous religious and charitable activities in Bhutan and abroad. To support these activities, he founded Tshokey Dorji Foundation as a medium to share and participate in this noble responsibility.

The UNE Vice Chancellor, Professor Jim Barber, will welcome the Rinpoche to the University for this unique visit, which is a rare cultural event that will foster a deepening relationship between the UNE and the Bhutanese community.

Armidale Dumaresq Mayor Jim Maher will hold a civic reception to honour this visit by His Eminence at the Council Chambers on his arrival day.

“His Eminence was requested to visit us on the occasion of His Majesty the King’s Birthday as the guest of honour and we are very excited that he has consented to our request,” said a spokesperson from the UNE Bhutanese Student Association of Armidale, Tiger Sangay.

“It is also a wonderful opportunity for the Bhutanese Student Association to show our gratitude to the Armidale community for their hospitality and friendship to us.”

On February 21, 2013, His Eminence will be administering the ‘blessing for long life’ at 10.30am and will be teaching on “Four Noble Truths”.

At 2.00pm there will be Tshokor, which is a gathering where food is offered during the ceremony and shared as a blessing. The venue for this event is at E11-A1 Arts Theatre 1 at UNE.

“The Bhutanese Student Association and Armidale Buddhist Centre would like to extend our warm invitation to all to join us for the teaching and blessing and to meet Rinpoche during his visit to Armidale from February 20-22, 2013,” said Tiger Sangay.

“The Tour includes seven cities, six being major cities. We are very fortunate to receive a visit in Armidale during Rinpoche’s Australian Tour,” said Shavari, a member of the Armidale Buddhist Community.”

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