Summit debates regional needs

Federal leader of The Nationals and Shadow Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Warren Truss was a keynote speaker on Wednesday of the Building Regional Australia Forum at the Armidale Ex-Services Club.

MORE than 100 delegates from across regional NSW converged on Armidale last Wednesday and Thursday to participate in the Building Regional Australia Forum at the Armidale Ex-Services Club.
The forum featured speakers such as Deputy Premier of NSW, Andrew Stoner, Federal Leader of the Nationals, Warren Truss and a host of other political leaders across various backgrounds, plus business, civic, academic and regional development stakeholders.
With the theme ‘regional minds, regional policy, regional outcomes’, the Building Regional Australia 2013 Summit has been designed to examine the leading issues for regional Australia; and create a platform to draw attention to regional Australia as the engine room of the nation.
Managing rapid growth in Australian capital cities is a formidable task and places heavy demand on resources (often at the expense of regional areas).
In light of this, the 2013 summit highlighted prospering regional communities and showcased successful strategies being implemented, in terms of regional development policy.
Federal leader of The Nationals and Shadow Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Warren Truss said the forum was “a wonderful opportunity for ideas to be expressed and for people to learn from one another’s experiences.
“We have heard a number of quite exciting stories about towns that have done things well.
“Even though it is tough in regional communities and the economy is very difficult there are some towns that have battled through the troubles and have done good things.”
Organisers hope that the forum will be held again next year and possibly become an annual event.

Forum objectives:
Focus on policy agenda for Regional Australia;
Provide Federal, state and local politicians with valuable insight into where they can be driving new initiatives;
Motivate regional leaders (ensuring local politicians are aware of pertinent issues for Regional Australia;)
Showcase best-practice examples that can be adapted by other regional communities;
Highlight methods for communities to develop infrastructure partnerships;
Showcase communities demonstrating leadership in terms of industry and mining (providing jobs and services to the regions they service);
Provide networking opportunities.

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