Founder and Patron’s garage sale

From left, Richard Mills, Mrs Gwen Blackman, Kevin Mead Ascent CEO, and Margaret Mills.

Founder and Patron of The Ascent Group, Gwen Blackman, is still giving to the organisation that she helped establish, holding a garage sale with all proceeds raised donated to the group.
Mrs Blackman has been supporting The Ascent Group since 1955, when she and her late husband and other parents of children with disabilities and community members decided to start the Armidale and District Handicapped Children’s Centre.
A leading force and fund-raiser over the last 58 years, Mrs Blackman has seen many changes as well as the  name changes to Challenge Armidale and then later to The Ascent Group as the organisation grew and evolved.
“Stories abound of Mrs Blackman going from door to door in the early days seeking support for the fledgling organisation, making and selling sandwiches at the saleyards, organising charity golf days among a whole list of fund-raising initiatives as well as making significant donations,” CEO of The Ascent Group Kevin Mead said.
“Mrs Blackman’s daughter was an original client and continues today in supported accommodation and day programs.”
Just recently Mrs Blackman decided to have a big clear-out at home and a garage sale with all the proceeds going to The Ascent Group. She was ably assisted in preparing for and conducting the garage sale by Deputy Chair of Ascent Richard Mills and his wife Margaret Mills as well as board member Ruth Blanch.
The result was a healthy $1,000 which will go towards equipment for the Ascent day programs.

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