Online checks protect kids

A NEW system to screen employees who work in a child-related job will better protect children.
Member for Northern Tablelands Adam Marshall said that the new check is simpler, safer, more applicable and is Australia’s first online screening system.
“It provides employers with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response to employing somebody in a child-related job,” he said.
“It will provide the same check for all people working with children, whether they are paid workers, self-employed, volunteers (with limited exemptions), carers or other adults living in a foster carer’s house.”
According to Mr Marshall, the new Working With Children Check clearance will also be portable from one child-related position to another for a five-year period.
“During those five years, the Office of the Children’s Guardian will be alerted to any new criminal and disciplinary records,” he said.
“Where these records indicate high risk, the person’s clearance to work with children will be withdrawn.
“This system of continuous checking of every person who applies for a Working With Children Check which provides further protection for children and young people.”
For further information on the new checks and other resources to create child-friendly environments, please visit the website at:

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