Comedy cash for hampers

A CHRISTMAS in July Cabaret Comedy performance was held recently at the New England Hotel successfully raising $800 towards fund-raising efforts to purchase Christmas hampers for families in need.

Stephen Tall and his cabaret comedy performers put on a great show for the 39 people that attended the event. Organiser Mark Ostini from the Armidale Community Church said the money raised would go towards around 100 Christmas hampers made up of a large selection of groceries for the Christmas period.
“We work with the Salvation Army who give us a list of people who are in need,” Mark said.
“It is a great way for the community to give back to people who are doing it a bit tough.”
Fund-raising efforts are still continuing with a number of events planned for the near future. Community members can donate to this worth cause by contacting the Armidale Community Church on (02) 6771 4162.

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