Exploring trees from inside out

Alana Carter, Bradley White, Alex Barron and Daniel Parlevliet.

IF you have ever wondered what is going on inside a tree? Now is your chance to find out.

Thanks to the support of Inspiring NSW, the North Western Regional Science Hub is presenting a series of ‘science meets art’ workshops and a Science Week event that will introduce children to the SMART Tree project – Talking With Trees.
“The ICT International Community SMART Tree project uses remote technology to record data from ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ trees, allowing young ‘scientists’ to interact with world experts and building our understanding of how trees respond to their environment, minute-by-minute,” co-ordinator Will Winter said.
“Living SMART Trees are currently being monitored in locations around the world, including at The Armidale Tree Group. In an effort to visualise what this data might mean, to engage with the science behind the SMART Tree project, and even just to imagine what it might be like to be a tree, we wanted to get creative!”
In the lead up to Science Week, groups of children will have an opportunity to visit and learn more about the SMART Tree site at the Armidale Tree Group.
Then during Science Week, they will work with artists Jonathon Larsen and Benjamin Thorn to recreate a tree – a sculptural representation of a tree that will incorporate living tree sounds.
“The artists will use recycled materials to build a tree in the foyer of the New England Regional Art Museum,” Mr Winter said.
“Then from the beginning of Science Week (9 August) until 20 October, visitors to NERAM will be able to go inside the sculptural tree and experience the sights and sounds of what it might be like inside a living tree – gaining insights into the data recorded on SMART Tree Sites.”
The North Western Regional Science Hub is The Armidale Tree Group, Southern New England Landcare (SNELCC), The Department of Education, The Catalyst Club and The New England Regional Art Museum (NERAM).
This initiative is supported by Inspiring Australia and the NSW Government as part of National Science Week.

TALKING WITH TREES – Exploring SMART Trees from the Inside Out!
Exhibition Opening: Friday 9 August at 6pm. Exhibition Dates: 10-18 August
Take a Tree Walk from the living SMART Tree at The Armidale Tree Group, along Black Gully to the sculptural SMART Tree in the foyer at NERAM!
School groups welcome. For school bookings contact NERAM on (02) 6772 5255.
National Science Week 2013 will run from 10-18 August.

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