Carers given service choices

CARERS of people living with a disability and family members will have an opportunity to explore what the new focus on person-centred planning and individualised funding is all about at a free workshop presented by The Ascent Group on 3 and 4 September.

With this new focus comes increased choice and control and a partnership approach to working together with services. The workshop will provide an opportunity to hear from experienced presenters and there will plenty of time for questions and discussion.
Workshop speakers:
Brenton Ashford-Potter is a self-confessed sports fanatic who works three days a week at a sport and recreation program for people with disability. He coaches a junior rugby league team and at NSW Rugby League Western Sydney Academy. Brenton also enjoys playing league himself, lawn bowls and judo. Brenton is currently studying at TAFE and has assisted a theatre group with sound and lighting. Brenton enjoys being part of his community. He loves his life and is living his dream.
Lisa Ashford-Potter is the founder of Chatter Hands and mother to Brenton. Lisa has held a number of positions in the community and disability sectors. She regularly guest lectures at TAFE and has presented at numerous national and international conferences. In 2012, Lisa was presented with the ‘Highly Commended Award’ at the Carers’ Awards by the Minister for Disability Services, The Hon. Andrew Constance. Lisa is a ‘Living Life My Way’ Champion.
Barbel Winter works for Futures Upfront, a company working to build inclusive communities. Barbel has more than 20 years’ experience in the community sector. After many years in advocacy Barbel put her toes into service provision and learned a whole lot of useful things. Being excited about the opportunities individualisation and the NDIS may offer to people with disability and families.
If you would like further information or to reserve a place at this workshop please call The Ascent group on (02) 6776 8977.

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