Volunteers set to dig in

Performer Sam Green enthralled the crowd with his version of Blackbird.

ARMIDALE Urban Rivercare Group (AURG) has a working bee on Sunday morning, 13 October to maintain the comprehensive plantings on creeklands.
“Our method of good preparation of the site, monthly half-day working bees with lots of volunteers, and a carefully planned maintenance program, has given us results we can all see,” spokesman Angus Adair said.
“The last working bee, in September, was to mark National Tree Day and nearly one thousand trees or shrubs were planted”, he said.
The AURG October planting will be sponsored by Inland Technology, regional business technology specialists, and will involve their Armidale and perhaps some Tamworth staff in the planting. This is part of Inland Technology’s community involvement, and also supports their environmental policy of ‘Stop: Think Green’, which encourages actions to reduce the business’s carbon footprint.
“We’re hoping some of our key clients in the Armidale area will join us on Sunday in the Creeklands,” Inland Technology’s Daniel Gillett said.
The site is to the north of the creek, access is from the bike track off Markham Street, opposite the Kirkwood Street intersection. The planting will link up the existing HiCUB plantings to the west with the plantings at Elizabeth Park.
“We’ll start at 8.30am, hoping to plant 1200 trees. You can just turn up, with gloves, long sleeved shirt, long pants, sensible footwear and sun hat.
“The Lions Club support us by providing morning tea and a barbecue lunch for a gold coin donation. It’s a fine way to spend a Sunday morning,” Mr Adair said.
“Everyone is welcome to join in the working bee – children with their parents can have a good time working together, and later see their work turn into groves of trees. People who live nearby are particularly welcome.”

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