Back yards focus of birthday bash

Tara Baxter and Geordi Rogers.

THIS year marks the 30th year of operation for the Armidale Tree Group, Armidale’s community-owned native plant nursery.
As part of their celebrations, the Tree Group is hosting Tim Marshall, one of Australia’s leading organic gardening experts, to run a workshop on growing organic vegetables in the backyard.
Author of a number of ABC Gardening Australia books, Tim will be sharing his experience and organic passion for free at the group’s nursery and woodland centre on Saturday 12 October, starting at 11am for one and half hours.
Those who want to improve their backyard vegie patch shouldn’t miss this fantastic workshop. All are welcome to the open day for a free barbecue, grab some nursery specials, learn more about the “Smart Tree” and native plants and take a walk through the woodland behind the nursery.
Finally, on Sunday 13 October the group will be joining with NERAM and the Black Gully Music Festival in a joint Birthday Bash with music, workshops and culture at NERAM. Everyone is welcome, and the groups look forward to seeing many at the weekend.
For details visit the website, Facebook page, drop in to the nursery, or call on 6771 1620.

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