Cuppa kindness


FOLLOWING on from the success of the 2011 Armidale children’s ward fund-raiser with $11,300 raised, the team at Gloria Jean’s Coffee Armidale are at it again, with another fund-raising day planned for this Friday.
As part of the FM100.3 “pay it forward” initiative in July, Gloria Jean’s Armidale was so successful that the team won a generous three-hour live radio broadcast for their contribution to the event. Rather than just use it on a usual trade day, proprietor and organiser Karen and Matt Page wanted to donate the broadcast to fundraise again for the Armidale children’s ward.
“We’re asking people to come on down to Centro after midday, let the kids have fun on the jumping castle and contribute to their Hospital’s children’s ward. We’re only asking for gold coin donations,” Karen said.
In addition to the FM100.3 live broadcast, a family fun day will be held in the Centro plaza from noon until 5pm, with loads of fun events, jumping castle, face painting, food games and more. Drawn on the day will be a raffle which includes prizes of a Gold Coast holiday, EB games pack, a Cadbury hamper, My House gift pack and more, all generously supported by Gloria Jean’s Armidale, Harvey World Travel, EB games, My House, Armidale Pure Spring Water, Woolworths and FM100.30.
One family which was involved in the 2011 fundraiser and saw first-hand how much the money helped the Armidale children’s ward was the Hinds family, when their nine-year-old son Ethan was admitted in September last year, spending almost a week in Armidale Hospital, with subsequent and ongoing visits possibly needed.
“Part of the money raised went to purchasing some single sofa lounges that converted into beds” Ethan’s mother Lauren said, which meant they could stay with him every night while he was in the Armidale Children’s ward.
“Our family was going through hell, but to be able to stay by his side and help him in the middle of the night when he was upset or in pain – you have no idea how much that helped us and our little boy”.
“It helped to know Mum was always right there with me,” Ethan said.
Ethan’s not out of the woods, with a severe and rare condition that will mean he may need to go back to hospital again, but “to have a children’s ward here, close by, without our family having to live in temporary accommodation or motels, is something we can occasionally take for granted,” Lauren said.
“It’s not until you meet families that have travelled hundreds of kilometres, living in motels or budget accommodation while they are with their sick little ones, that you realise we need to all pitch in and do or give what we can to help ensure this service is here for families and children from all over the region. We cannot thank the work of Karen and Matt, and Gloria Jeans enough.
“By giving a few dollars, or buying a raffle ticket for this initiative, you just never know what child and family you may end up helping. My family and I want to say thank you in advance for whatever you can spare and contribute to this essential cause. “Especially thankyou to Gloria Jean’s Coffee in Armidale for their amazing work and effort in doing this”.
Donations and raffle tickets can be purchased at Gloria Jean’s and other supporting businesses throughout the week, or at the Family Fun Day event on Friday.

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