Quiz finds answers for special needs

Opening Faulks Park are Matt Cooper, Dennis Eyre and Mayor Barry Longland.


A TRIVIA night to raise money for new playground equipment for the Sandon Public School Special School Green and Purple classes will be held at the Armidale City Bowling Club on Saturday 16 November.
Organisers of the trivia night, sisters Leonie Lomas and Debbie Wells, say participants don’t have to be masterminds but do need to be willing to have fun.
“We want to see as many people as possible on the night,” the sisters said.
You don’t have to be Einstein to come to a fun trivia night; it’s not about how much you know it’s about how much fun you can have.
“Armidale is a very generous community and they have supported a lot this year and we are hoping that we will be on their calendar.”
The sisters have been a part of the Sandon School community for a number of years and plenty of praise for the teaching staff who are committed to providing quality education for their students.
“Nothing is too much trouble for the teachers,” Leonie Lomas said.
“They listen to what you need and go out of their way to help. “
The new playground equipment will enable special needs children to have their own secluded playground.
This will particularly benefit autistic children who feel uncomfortable playing in the general school population. Funds for the equipment are just not available so the sisters are on a mission to raise the money.
“There is never enough funding for the equipment that is needed especially equipment that is designed and purpose built for children with special needs,” Debbie Wells said.
“For the Sandon School community and the Armidale community to get behind this is very important because there isn’t the funds available through normal funding channels.”
Students in the Green and Purple classes at Sandon are special needs students with varying disabilities.
Tickets can be bought from Sandon Public School on 6772 3349 or Leonie’s Bridal and Formal on 6772 4696.
The trivia night is on at the Armidale City Bowling Club on Saturday 16 November at 6pm for a 6.30pm start.
The sisters extend sincere thanks to the many Armidale businesses for their donations, the team who are helping them organise the trivia night, and the teachers at Sandon Public School.

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