Helping others adds spice to life


THE Armidale Volunteer Referral Service (AVRS ) held its annual volunteer expo in the Armidale Plaza last Wednesday to showcase the contribution of volunteers in the local community.
Armidale Dumaresq Mayor Laurie Bishop opened the expo and emphasised the importance of volunteering to the community and spoke about the benefits to people who volunteer after a recent UK study showed that volunteers live longer and are happier in their lives.
“Volunteers are the backbone of our community,” Cr Bishop said.
“It is difficult to imagine how our community or any Australian community could manage without the contribution of volunteers.”
The AVRS helps people in the community to find volunteer roles that fulfill their expectations and make use of their skills and expertise.
AVRS Coordinator Jane Davies said volunteers give their community pleasure and helps people who have become isolated to remain part of the community.
“Volunteers help elderly people stay in their homes, they look after gardens like at Saumarez Homestead who are here at the expo, as well as work with the Cancer Council raising funds and awareness, and the St Vincent De Paul Society who are very eager to attract younger people to their organisation,” Ms Davies said.
“Becoming part of an organisation like St Vincent De Paul can be a wonderful experience for young people because they can be mentored into doing a variety of roles that can further help gain employment.”
For more information about the Volunteer Expo please call Jane Davies on 0488 444 872, email, or visit the AVRS website

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