Tracking bike routes

GUYRA Shire Council is surveying residents on their pedestrian and cycling activity.
Along with an online survey, the council is also asking residents to track their walks, runs, and cycles, using an app like runkeeper or strava and sharing their maps and details with the council via email or social media.
“I am very enthusiastic about the community utilising social tools to provide quality feedback to Council and that the information gained from this process will be much more comprehensive than what can be collected solely through a survey,” general manager Peter Stewart said.
The information collected will be used by the council in the development of its Pedestrian Access Mobility Plan and Guyra Shire Council Bike Plan.
These plans will help set priorities for the future funding of a convenient and connected network of routes for pedestrian and bike users within the Guyra Shire.
“The plan is to gain an understanding of the most common routes people take and develop a strategic plan for Council to improve our infrastructure in a constructive manner,” Mr Stewart said.
To encourage residents to get involved, the council is offering $20 gift cards to the person who tracks the most kilometres walking, the most kilometres cycling, most kilometres running, most kilometres overall, and greatest number of activities, over the month.
For information on participating visit or pop in to the council offices to get an information pack.

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