Remembering the fallen

FRIENDS of Armidale Dumaresq Library (FOADL) will be hosting their annual literary function in the library on Wednesday 6 November to commemorate Remembrance Day.
After World War II the RSL supported the establishment of a new public library for Armidale. The new library was given the honour of being called the Armidale Dumaresq War Memorial Library.
“We feel this is an appropriate way for a library to acknowledge the sacrifices of not only service men and women but also those waiting at home for loved ones to return and also the plight of animals used in war,” FOADL member Mary McDonald said.
Guest speakers include Thelma McCarthy who has living memory of the aftermath of World War I and was in active service in World War II.
Michael Starkey and Julian Croft have studied the works of many writers of World War I and will introduce these significant literary pieces. The will also look at works from women writers of World War II.
Again this year FOADL invites the Armidale community to their Remembrance Day literary function.
This will be held on Wednesday 6 November in the Armidale Dumaresq War Memorial Library at 10.30am. A morning tea and companionable chat follows.

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