Steam power on show

THE New England Antique Machinery Club will welcome two new steam traction engines at this weekend’s rally.
The new engines will be Rob Taber’s 1904 single cylinder Fowler traction engine and the club’s Marshall compound three-speed sprung road loco, formerly owned by Tom Faint at Hillgrove.
The Fowler featured at last Sunday’s PCYC markets in The Mall after being driven in from Dangarsleigh.
The Marshall has been worked on by club members since July when it returned to Armidale from Echuca where it had laid in pieces for several years.
Club member Ron Jackson convinced the Federal Government’s Cultural Heritage Committee that this engine was worthy of preservation, being the only one of its type in the world.
Subsequently the engine was purchased by means of a government grant and club fund-raising.
The Marshall has been re-assembled and boasts a new smokebox fitted and associated front axle spring assembly.
Rear axle springs have also been fitted and adjusted to provide the correct clearances.
The Marshall still needs some boiler work before it can be steamed and will be towed by the Fowler in the grand parade on Saturday and Sunday. It will be joining the heavy horses, tractors, vintage cars and bulldozers in this marvellous spectacle.
Gates open at the Armidale Exhibition Centre at 9am on both days.
Admission is $5 for adults, $3 for concession and children aged under 12 years are free.

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