HIdden cost of care

ARE you one of two million people in Australia that provides care to others suffering from any type of disease or disability that requires extra support?
If you are, you can provide vital information to researchers from the University of New England as part of a study into the health and wellbeing of caregivers in rural and regional Australia.
Despite the important role caregivers play in our society, relatively little is known about the health impacts of sustained caregiving, especially in regional areas.
It is estimated that up to a third of caregivers suffer health-related issues directly associated with their caregiving responsibilities.
A team of public health experts from UNE, led by Professor Rafat Hussain, is still seeking the urgent assistance of 200 informal caregivers for the first stage of the study.
The study is calling for caregivers from different age groups, genders and locations, and who care for all types of conditions.
Participants are asked to complete a confidential and completely voluntary short survey which can be completed either online or on paper.
All participants are offered a complimentary $5 voucher for completing the survey.
If you are a caregiver and aged over 18 years, or know of someone who is, you can get more information by calling 1800 770 182 or visiting www.une.edu.au/crn-mentalhealth/carers_study/

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