Society seeks fresh drive


THE future of the Armidale Eisteddfod goes on the line next Monday.
Outgoing president Susanne James said she was hoping for a groundswell of community support at the annual general meeting.
“The eisteddfod is a great community event – one of the best on the Armidale calendar – and it would be a shame to see it go,” Ms James said.
This is not the first time the Armidale Eisteddfod Society has faced closure.
Two years ago it was in a similar situation before Ms James – who had just moved to town – decided to take on the presidency.
“I said I would do it for two years and I’ve honoured that committment,” she said.
“I have a busy full-time job at the New England Conservatorium of Music and just don’t have the time to keep doing the eisteddfod.”
A number of roles, including the presidency, are vacant at Monday’s AGM.
“Hundrews of students, schools and families are involved, it would be a shame to see the eisteddfod go because of a lack of support,” Ms James said.
The outgoing president said she thought the role would suit an active parent, someone that worked part-time or was retired.
“The eisteddfod runs for a month, which makes it one of the biggest in regional Australia, so there’s a lot of work involved,” Ms James said.
The annual general meeting is being held at the Old Teachers’ College at 6.30pm, following wine and cheese at 6pm.

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