Keep an eye on 2014 program

New England Bowls By Richie Clutterbuck

THE 2014 district program is available on the web however there may be some changes necessary and clubs involved who would like changes made then please bring this to the attention of the new match committee at the district meeting. I will not be standing again due to other commitments and I am sure that those people who complained during the year will not nominate for this thankless task. I did apologise to bowlers regarding our non-participation in the mixed events as our calendar was full. Don and I did our best and I wish the new match committee all the best.

Country goes down fighting
Todd Fuller represented Country in the annual match against City and although City won two tests to one, the team Todd played in won two out of their three matches. He is currently playing in the state finals of the champion of champion singles at Bellrose and hopefully winning. This weekend he teams with his father Steve to contest the City for All Seasons pairs and they should perform well against strong opposition. Two members of the state over-60s side that won the Australia title at Geelong recently have accepted to play and Wayne Lambourne will team up with Geoff McGilvray and on the form shown at Geelong they may well start favourites. Several former winners are back and Rod Gordon and Shane Clarke from Northmead will be out to take home part of the $9000 on offer.

Skilled mix
What a great night is was last Wednesday when Steve Glasson, Kelvin Kerkow, Karen Murphy and Kay Moran joined the players on the green at City. They mingled with players and hopefully helped in various areas. Following play Steve held the audience’s attention when he outlined the history of the players and the many achievements they have to their credit. All received caps signed by all four players and this will be a keepsake for many.

Touched by support
A very special thank you to all of the business houses and private people who helped to make our annual Kids with Cancer day the success it was. Although rain washed out play most stayed on for the raffle and auction. We have no come to a final figure yet and this will be known later this week. A big thanks to the Honky Tonk Line Dancers, The Armidale Trout Anglers Club, the Monday afternoon bowlers, the ladies club, Terry McMillan, Ross Hammond and many more too numerous to mention but I will endeavor to do so next week.

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