Clean up creeks

CLEAN Up Australia Day is fast approaching so now is the time to register your clean up site before the big day on Sunday, 2 March.
This year Armidale Dumaresq Council will be concentrating on cleaning up The Creeklands and all residents are encouraged to come along and lend a hand from 10am to noon. A free barbecue will be provided after the clean up.
“Clean Up Australia Day is the perfect opportunity for everyone to come together and help clean up our local parks and waterways and think about how we can reduce our impact on the environment,” community events co-ordinator Alex Kentish said.
“It’s not too late to get involved, simply go to to register a clean up site online, find a local site where you can register as a volunteer or simply turn up at Curtis Park on the day.
“Just bring your own gloves, a hat, sturdy shoes, sunglasses and sunscreen.”

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