Civic welcome class act

INTERNATIONAL students enrolled at the University of New England were officially welcomed to Armidale by mayor Laurie Bishop at a civic reception at the town hall on Friday.
The mayor was joined by acting vice chancellor Annabelle Duncan, Member for Northern Tablelands Adam Marshall, Armidale Dumaresq councillors and UNE staff.
The council’s acting general manager Glenn Inglis welcomed the students to the hall before an official Welcome to Country was given by Dennis Cutmore from Armidale High School.
Aboriginal dancers then took to the stage from Armidale High, entertaining the audience with three traditional dances.
In his official address, Cr Bishop extended a warm welcome to the students who represent more than 25 different nationalities.
He encouraged them all to take time out from their studies to experience life in Armidale and to participate in the rich and diverse community life.
“UNE and in particular the international students play an important role in promoting the diverse and inclusive community for which Armidale has become known,” Cr Bishop said.
“It is a pleasure to welcome the international students to our city and I hope they will look back fondly on their time in our wonderful city.”
The ceremony concluded with an afternoon tea where the students had a chance to socialise and have their photos taken.

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